by iammukeshm, 2021-03-19T18:52:15.292Z
A Clean Architecture Template built for Blazor WebAssembly 5.0 using MudBlazor Components. This project will make your Blazor Learning Process much easier than you anticipate. Blazor Hero is meant to be an Enterprise Level Boilerplate, which comes free of cost, completely open sourced.
It is now available as NuGet Package for you to use! As simple as running a CLI command and generating your own awesome Blazor WebAssembly 5.0 Projects.
Included Features:
- [x] Mudblazor Component Library
- [x] . NET 5.0+
- [x] Blazor Web-Assembly: ASP. NET Core Hosted
- [x] Onion Architecture
- [x] Persistent Dark Mode (Local Storage)
- [x] Service-Based Approach
- [x] MediatR at API Level
- [x] AutoMapper
- [x] API Versioning
- [x] JWT Authentication
- [x] Serilog - Server-Side Only*
- [x] Complete User Management
- [x] Profile Picture
- [x] Clean Fluid UI
- [x] CRUD Functionalities and much more.
Read the Getting Started Guide -
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